Yuyuan Gardens

We are lucky enough to have a Shanghai resident participating in our program named Brian. He studies in the U.S and decided that he didn’t want to live at home during the summer. Brian was kind enough to show us around parts of the city including the Gardens. There is a Bazaar next to the Gardens where you can literally buy anything and everything you could possibly imagine.

There is a lot of tourists around this area and for good reason. These vary traditional gardens, with green water and lots of beautiful architecture, allow you to see a different part of China that isn’t so modern.

We ate at this really fabulous soup dumpling restaurant that was a little pricey(about 100 RMB or $16) but worth every penny. It was my first time eating soup dumplings and boy have I been missing out. After we ate, we went shopping for a little bit and I bought a traditional Chinese scroll that’s really beautiful.

We walked some more and eventually got to the Bund. This was my first trip to the Bund and it was such an experience. We stayed for a little bit to see all the lights come on and to enjoy our time there even more. I know I’ll be back at the Bund many times before I leave, but I could stop taking pictures. It was just beautiful.

I feel like I’ve been in this city for longer than I have and I believe that’s because I feel like I’m at home. Even though I’m tired, sweaty, dirty, lost, and confused almost 95% of the time, I am loving every second!


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